it's for memories

the times i remember

Sunday, March 30, 2008

oh well, miss my posts people?

its been a pretty hectic week at internship.
the first week of internship went quite well.
the people there are nice and friendly,
the environment is super duper comfy (its like a design shophouse,)
theres nice music and aircon, munchys everywhere, spacious, jus like a 2nd home

anw, work has been on a rather tight schedule.
i'll go home all knock out on my bed.
but i guess i kinda enjoyed it
even thought at times i feel intimidated by the other fellow designers arnd
and more pressured.
but i really really like the place.

i feel so blessed and lucky.
n i din regret nt gg overseas for sip

Saturday, March 22, 2008

i have something to announce.
after like tonnes of trying over n over again,
i finally crossed the level 18 of diner dash!

wahahaha like FINALLY.
woo hoo~~

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

i had cravings for so many food recently.

min jiang kueh (the type with the thick peanut spread)
soya bean drink
creamy chicken spaghetti/penne
uncle's home made spaghetti
mensa's bolognese
aunty's stir fried abacus (shuan pan zi)
dim sum at sumwhere near thomson (i saw tt on tv!)
the new rosti (at velocity. i saw tt on the papers!)

not forgetting
nori's little strawberry pastry from muji that she promised since last year.
(lesson learnt: don't anyhow make promises. hor, nori?)

omg, the thought of it just makes me wana drool..

Monday, March 17, 2008

oh well, my blog have been left stagnant for sometime now.
reason is, laziness.

even now i'm like cracking my head hard about what to write about.
ok now, i seriously have a blank mind on what to blog.

the weather's great this 2 days, with the sun coming out brightly.
like i told my mom, i wana go out n absorb some sunlight.

i have exactly one week to my internship.
it looks fun yet a little intimidating,
going to an all new environment working with real designers and client.

alright, i'm seriously stuck, staring at my screen not knowing what to type anymore.
so, that's all

have a nice day :)

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

while we all see the posters of singapore's wanted man lying around buses and mrt stations,
something different was put up on our school pillar.

pop art style wanted poster.
isn't it cool?

Monday, March 10, 2008

its a lazy cooling monday.

feel so slack this block.LOL
anw, i just watched Sky of Love
a recent japanese movie based on a novel Koizora by Mika,
circulated to over 11million readers in jap in 2006

i like the art direction and the way they compose some scenes.
i shant reveal the storyline here so you guys can catch it if you are curious.

Tuesday, March 04, 2008


  水瓶座对真命天子和真命天女绝对是面面俱到,呵护备至,可是对方如果只是过客,心里就会感到很受伤,因为水瓶座完全都不按照一般人谈恋爱的规 则,掌控权在他的手里,如果他觉得对方的热情超出他预期的程度,他就会闪,而被闪的人就会莫名其妙,更令人受伤的是他也许对对方很好,可是却令人看不出 来,因此跟水瓶座交往一定要有整个恋爱逻辑被颠覆的心理准备。


  射手座在谈恋爱的时候表现的很热情大方,而且看起来很专注,也因此容易让人失去戒心,事实上射手座不会把彼此之间的问题说出来,他会用观察,然 后一再的忍受,也不见得会和对方沟通,等到他忍到最后火山爆发的时刻,射手座就会选择离开,他的忽然离开,让毫无警觉性的另一半觉得射手座怎么就消失了, 这时心里的伤害实在是无法言喻。






  双子座的人容易反复不定,情绪也阴晴不定,今天很喜欢对方,明天可能厌倦了对方,可是后天可能又重燃对对方的热情,这种反反复覆让身边的人不知 道怎么办才好,因此如果一个真心爱上双子座又愿意循他的恋爱模式的人就好象成天在坐云霄飞车一样,心情一下高一下低,如果受不了决定要离开,双子座又会表 现出很心碎的样子。

extracted from

Sunday, March 02, 2008

i'm an art teacherrr..
yes teaching kids part time at an art studio..
today was my first day, fun but tiring though..
but i still enjoy talking to the children, they can tell u everything under the sun.