i was out wif myself today.
it was a fun experienced though, haha wif lots of walking and shooting. i was planning to go to SAM for some photo shoot for layout's gazetted buildings, den talk a look at the exhibitions there since i've haven been there for ages. the shootings went quite fine, there were a number of Caucasian tourists there visiting as well. i tot it's quite enriching to pop by sam once in a while, take a look at works being displayed, get some inspirations and motivations. ya i felt like creating a painting today after the tour at sam. it has been ages since i last set my paintbrush (on a paper/canvas). maybe, during the 2 weeks i'll start one. haha
n den i randomly walked past chijmes and was so attracted by its architecture. i tot i would jus capture some view frm the outside but its charm drew mi into the building. n woa, i din expect such a place there. the ambience, restaurants, music and the lighted tree trunks..i love it. haha..cos i've onli walked pass the corridor of chijmes in the past before, its reali a surprise for mi. haha i'll upload the pics when i dun feel lazy.
very abruptly, but yes, i shall end here. ha.
my 2 weeks 2 weeks pathetic 2 weeks pls come soon.
yes and here are some of the nicer shots i've picked out to share. not very well taken though.