it's for memories
the times i remember
Friday, July 20, 2007
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
its reali painful to see the ones u love cry.
but its even worst when all u can do is stand by them.
so pls, i beg you, stop stabbing a knife into their hearts.
i jus realised tt i have actualli uploaded my basic video assignment on my photobucket. haha so i shall share it with u all here though its not of very high quality. u can hear sum laughter in between cos i retook it frm the screen when the lecturer is showing it to the class.
can see how short this video is? imagine we took 8 hours shooting it..
Thursday, July 05, 2007

it was our dressday on tuesday! and so we all came in our different different cute and funky dresses! haha

aniwaes, peggy told us to take a trip down to mama shops to look for childhood nostalgic little odd tings for packaging illustration. haha n its was so fun n exciting. n i tink i bot too much stuff, though we need onli to chose one object for our assignment. haha..let mi tell u wads there, jellies, bouncy balls from the turn turn machines, the bobdog cigarette looking candy, a mini glass bottle of colorful chocolates, the toy soldier with a parachute which we throw out of our window, n big baby! haha..seriously, mama shops are vanishing. and so goes our childhood memories too. treasure them!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
oh well, i tink i've been so happily submerged into work and just staying in my cozy home these days. i'm not sure if its a good thing though, especially when i began to realise tt actually i'm missing out on things tt i shldnt be missing.
u noe, things like catching up wif old friends, having crap to random to heart talks and chats with girlfriends, finding out wadds happening in their lives at the same time. i havent been hugging onto the phone for more than 15mins or so for like ever since god knows when. i'm not sure if u r surprised to hear this. but sumtimes girlfriends jus called for a chat but i hardly hold on the phone for more than half an hr. more often than not i have work to do that i use as the reasons to hang up, but i guess, deep down inside, its actualli the fear of awkward silence over the phone. i'm not sure why, but sumtimes i just have this fear. so each time when i'll b meeting like an old friend or sumone whos not very close with, i tend to hesitate, think twice before deciding if i shld go. questions like 'what am i gona sae?' 'will we have a common topic ?' jus pop up in my mind. all these actualli results in like some communication problems between mi n the rest of them. like some how they jus look at you, giggle and say sth tt u dun understand at all. most of the time i'll jus act blur, cos i dun wana ask. i always feel tt when someone wants to share sth wif you, they will jus come. if you are the one asking and then they reluctantly answered, it defeats the whole purpose.
ask mi how many of my friends i see in sch everyday, do i know about their personal lives, honestly, i dun have the answer. its a sad thing to know and to say. but wad to do? for all i noe, all i care about is my work, constantly figuring out how to make it less amateurish and make it better. i tink it has sumhow evolved mi into sumone whos jus living in a world of my work and design. so....i dunnoe how to continue typing alrdy. den mayb i shall jus end here.
thanks for reading ppl! =))