heyheyhey..its thinkin day..
heyheyhey..its thinkin day!!!!!!
all over the world is thinkin day!
in singapore..its thinkin day
in malaysia..its thinkin day
in australis..its thinkin day.....
all over the world is thinkin day!!!

haha..yes..2dae is the dae
22 Feb..a day where sister guides and brother scouts come together to celebrate founder's day..sent thinkin day greetings to my brothers n sisters early in the morning..saw many fellow sisters wearing their uniform smartly to school..
last year's TODAY..we were in sch early for our flag raising..all dressed up neatly in our BLUE uniform..two ponytails..shirts all tucked in until the buckle can b seen..no earrings, earstuds, braclet,watches,necklaces..socks up till 4 fingers above the ankle..white shoes..short nails..world badge, gold badge, enrolment badge all polished and upright..hats up..whistle and chord pushed inwards..SCARFS tied properly..blahh..n the list goes on..
haha..y do i noe ALL this so well? cos i was the
DISCIPLINE MISTERESS of both companies..ani mistakes spotted..down times 20..not being saddist..budd THAT'S THE RULE..
it was reali fun back at those days..will always look forward to wearing our uniform on thinking day..feel so proud of it..haha..n now i reali miss wearin mine..its like since POP last year..every part of guiding..frm drilling..to commanding..to scolding..it all made mi grew..to become a better person..
well until now..though i m not goin to be a YA..i am always a guide..n will always b proud to b a guide..

to all my sisters and brothers..noriko,mingwei,huiying,wanleng,michelle,yvonne,lesi,rene,jiayi,charina,yinrong,sokhan,zhinuo,priscilla,jialin,sheena,calcy,sinyee,junxiang,weiliang,yongteck,junhao,zuosheng...frm the rest of the world..
may GUIDING n SCOUTING light SHINES forever more!