oNcE aGaIn..2 ReSpEcT 'o3 rUlExX!!!
uNitEd wE sTand, dIvIdEd wE fALL
rP iS tHe BeSt oF aLL
wE r oNe iN a HeArT n oNe iN a mInd
uNiTed wE sTaNd wILL mAkE uS fInE !
the times i remember
oNcE aGaIn..2 ReSpEcT 'o3 rUlExX!!!
[ fRidAe, 31 oCt o3 ]
~[ tHuRsDaE, 29 oCt 03 ]
~[ wEdNesDaE, 29 oCt 03 ]
[tUeSdAe, 28 oCt 03 + wEdNesDaE, 29 oCt 03
Hihix...wah..2dae so tired...after karate...doze off in the bus on my wae home...luckie nvr miss the stop..hahx...sooooooooooooo happie 2dae…finally..waited so so long...longing for so so so long...I got my RED BELT!!! PURE RED BELT!! Hahz..not maroon animore..not the short one ani more..is the one tt I’ve always wanted...hahx..cos sen-seh saw my belt den asked mi to go get another longer one from him...hehex..thanx sen-s3h!!! my partner was sean (bernard) hahx...first time to so call ‘fight’ or rather...partner with a boy...quite fun actually...hahx..den’ll use full force mar..cos for a boy..noned to care if u hurt him =x...budden block till my arm so pain...he block so hard..hit my arm bone there...oh yar...oso gota sell guides cookie again...hey ppl out there...if interested in buying tell mi kaex? Cost $10 per tin...white choco flavour..vv nice de...mus help mi buy horx...aiyz...lata still gota discuss wif xiaowei tt zhong zheng bian bian bian tingy..the props...haix..dis whole ting is so lame...tt teacher so boliao nth to do arh...call us do this tingy...okae lar...we do..but nvr gif us money to buy props n tings liddat..how can we put up sth good? U agree?
aiyooooooo.......dis blog is driving mi crazy manz...put tagboard..den the bear disappear...put bear..the tagboard cannot appear...all experts out there...help mi pls...
A*Teens-Around the corner of your eye
hahx...2dae's outdoor cooking was nice..hehex..the 'funnest' of all the outdoor coking since sec 1...mayb cos the food was realli nice =p hehex...we went collecting dried leaves n twigs early in the morning so as to prepare for outdoor cooking...melted the chocolate and then later on dip fruits in it! hehex..was real nice..especially the banana..dipped in the thick hot chocolate...wow..when put in the mouth..was like full of chocolate...* saliva drips right now* hehex...it was marvellous! heeheex...plus the effort added in starting the fire and all those...woah...the sweetness cannot be described..^-^ hehex...
iF a gIrL eVeR cRieS fOR u...
happie deepavali!!!hehex...2dae is public holidae...u ppl mus b slping till vv late horx..aiyz..mi wana slp more..den my mum started yelling for mi 2get up at bout 10 liddat..dun understand her lehx...wake up so early for wad? its holidae mar..nan de you ji hui slp so late..wake up oso nth to do..no choice lo..
hehez...so happie..thanx jialin!!! realli thanx...i succedded in putting up the pics n the background music..hahx..realli vv happie..but still gota solve the heading probs...hehex..lolx..ken..we gals r easily fascinated by the tings we do lox..hahx..got kinda man zhu gan(satisfaction)mar...hahx...wF korkor..u still owe mi ur pic..mus come online kaex..miss ya noex..hehex..
hey ppl! hahaz...was vv happie 2dae..hehex...cos aft sch ah jia,ah zhi, weiwei n cher went to mi hse! hahaz...to plae larx of cos..hahx..ordered pizza hut delivery-large hawaiian pizza n spicy drumlets...all my favourite!!hahx..of cos loz..i order one marx..so long nvr eat pizza ler..so the first taste of it was..so..so...fantastic! haha..tt's the onli word i can use to describe..as u noe lo..my eL not so good mar...we divided equally, each person pay 6 dollars...so total is 30 dollars...played monopoly too...hahx..dunnoe din touch tt game for how mani yrs ler...last time plae was...erm..cannot remember ler...it was fun...plaeing monopoly using ur own rules..hahz..which if the nxt person roll the dice b4 the owner of the property realise tt sum1 has to pay up...den tt sum1 wun haf to pay up! hahz..(u may not noe wad i'm toking bout..but..nvm)...like tt can sarbotage ppl..hehex...ah zhi was the victim..always kana sarbo by weiwei...but, noe wad? though she onli bot like 3 or 4 property, n always dun get the pay by ppl...she's got the most amount of money, 2 thousand sth...den the winner goto eat our last piece of pizza n garlic bread...
tHeY aRe boTh cOnviNcEd,
If I knew it would be the last time
2dae was awful..real awful...totally awful...got back my art paper..haix..was so damn sarky...din expect it noex..tot it was suppose to pull all my grades up..but i onli got 71!!my heart was like sinking n sinking n sinking...was close to tears...but i held it back real hard...can't believe it...budden gota face up to the fact loz..but haiz..still wasn't vv happie bout it..feeling so damn sian the whole dae...
HeY jIa LiN...ReAlLi ThAnX a LoT..i oWe U aLoT mAnXx...hEeX..tO pPl Ut tHeRe..hAhAx..u mAy nOt nOe..JiALiN hElPed mI aLot..CrEaTiNG dIs BLoG n EvRyTiNg...mMz...2dAe wEnT CuT mI hAiR..wAs qUiTe oKaE lAr..bUt vV dIfFiCuLt tO tIe cOs oF thE lAyErS...GoTta PuT lOtSa CliPs...dUnNo y dIs fEw dAeS sO SlEePy...MoThEr Go nAgGiNg AgaIn...dOtx...wHeN wiLL sHe eVa sTop?? Oh My GoD...b4 eXaMs oSo lIdDat..aFt eXaMs oSo lIdDat..gIf mI a BrEaK pLs...haIx...sAe i Go HoMe dEn oN rAdIo, uSe cOm...BlAh..tt'S oUr LifE mArX..dUn u aGreE?? if nOt wAd tO do? gO hOmE sIt aT tHe dEsK sTuDy mEhXx?? aH...dRoP iT..dUN tOk bOuT it...mM..nOw liSteNiNg to JoLiN'S sHoU aI nI...oN yEs 93.3...tOt oF tT pOp tIme wHeN wE wErE lEaRnInG 72 BiAn..heEx..wAs fUn...LolX...KeN jUs nOw sHoWed mI a WeBbIe...sO lAmE...haHaX..aIyA..wF kOrKoR...dUN b sO sAd laR kaEx..dUN zI bEi mArx..u StIlL hAfTa LivE oN lIfE mAr..so As wElL lIvE oN hApPiLy N wOrk hARdEr...i wIll zHI cHI u..dEfInaTelY..n aLwAyS..kKaE? sMiLe lARx..iF nOt vV fAsT oLd dE...=x heheX..wAh..2Dae i DrEw oUr KlaSs hApPiE fAmiLy 4..ErM..4 pPl..hHAhX..drAw tIlL vV sHuAnG...=p...fOr jI nIaN maRx...gOnA bE sEpAraTed iNtO dIfFeReNt kLaSseS lE...sHe bU dE leHx...hOw i WisH wE caN aLL bE iN tHe sAme kLaSs nXt yR...wU maY mEi 2Dae vV nIce..hHAx..tOK boUt oUr KlaSs..cHat wIf Us lIke fReNs lIdDat...hEeX...dEN sHe tOT oF AsKinG the KlaSs bOUt wHich gAl caN b cHaIrmAn..dEN sHe AsK thE kLaSs bOUt mi ...oH pLs lorX..pPl lIke mi caN b cHaiRmaN...doTx...deN jUn hAo n AaRoN sAe i vV cHIldIsh...i vV cHIldIsh mEhx? haHx..bUt lOoK oN tHe bRigHt sIde...mEaNs i'm sTiLL a ChiLd..nOt sO oLd yEt..lIke sUm pPl...hHAhz..n sTiLL caN cElEbRAte cHiLdReN's dAe..hEheeX..dEn cAN gEt lOtsA pResSie!!=p hAHha..kKaEx..sAe sO mUch lE..goTa sTop...tAke cARe pPl!=)